take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Sunday, June 27, 2010
3:10 PM
I love you, Baby
Yesterday, I think that I am the happiest man on Earth! After my run with Justin, I went home to wash up before meeting my honey. We had breakfast at Burger King. I didn't eat much, just drank a cup of ice milo. After that, we went to catch a movie at GV Jurong Point, Karate Kid. The movie is just so-so, but what I am happy about is the quality time spend with my dearest honey.
After which, we trained down all the way to Clark Quay. Honey said that she wanted to buy something for me. We went to this candy shop named Sticky and honey bought for me a jar of candy. Thanks baby! That's so sweet of you! I love you soooo much baby!!!!!!!!!!!
We then went to Billy Bombers to have our dinner. Tried not to eat much, but I can't help it. After that, we sat down along the river and chatted. At that moment, I feel that everything that we have quarrelled about is superficial. Nothing beats more than having you in my arm, looking at the people around us and talking about us.
After that, I sent honey to her mummy's house. Before that, (*smiley face*). Although its sad for me to part with you baby, but I believe that our relationship will be alot better, from now onwards. I love you, honey.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Friday, April 16, 2010
9:37 AM
Yesterday, worked till 11pm. Well, actually my work should have finished at about 10pm. But well, thanks to the stupid retarded rules, everyday I'm ending work late. This is one of the blow.
Another blow, when I returned home, I saw my letters on the table. A4 size. MINDEF. I was like, WTF! Enlistment notice. Why must it comes at a time when I have not finish up everything? There's alot of things that I just can't let it go. I can just say, my soul, my mind are tearing apart.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Thursday, April 1, 2010
5:03 PM
My operation manager, Arman, told me to help him by covering at a new workplace, a japanese restaurant named Saboten. I tried to help you, but when I requested to come back to my outlet, you sounds reluctant to help me. Who do you think you are? I'm just a part-timer. I decide when I work and where I work. You jolly well get this into your thick head that if I ever get nasty, it's not going to be nice. You better transfer me back before something happens....
[Another Person]
What's the matter with you? Everytime when I message you, you sleep. You called that being always there for me? Just imagine that at your lowest point of time, I'm away from you. How do you feel? Please, be considerate.
If things carries on to be like this, I guess the best way for me is to resign and just lead my life alone. No point all these just carry on and on.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Monday, February 8, 2010
8:29 PM
Bottomless Pit
You chose to use that kind of words. You chose the path yourself. I'm not good either. However, I will not use those words on you. Reflect this on yourself for a second. You do not retify the situation but instead worsen the whole situation.
You leave me in an anguish state. NO ONE has ever said all that you said. I'll not be the same as before.
Yesterday, I was telling something to myself. "It's easy to be in a relationship, it's hard to maintain it, and it's even harder to end it." Do something about it, before things are over.
With anguish-ness,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Friday, February 5, 2010
2:32 PM
OMG. Two hours left. After that, school's out. Anyway, today's lesson is kind of boring. Learning about Stock Market, fluctuation and many more. Well, Business Finance is like this, can't say much about this module. Anyway, tomorrow I will still need to come to school, for Business Finance Understanding Test. I assume that this test will be the hardest of all. After clearing this, I will be left with my favourite modules. ^^
The days were no longer there. But never mind, since there's nothing I can do. Do whatever I can as long as I don't live with regrets. Anyway, wondering if NP is ok. I'm not at unit today.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
8:48 PM
Blue Wednesday
OMG. Work was sad. Below is a chef who is working with me for the past 1 year 10 months. Today is his last day as he is going back to China. Good luck Chef in your future endevours. =)
Today went back to unit for campcraft training competition. I don't know how many times the instructors need to emphasize on the importance of this event. Well anyway, my mood cheered up abit when baby msg-ed me.
Had a short chat with Miss Yuen after training. The chat was a fruitful one. :) Went back home after that.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
2:07 PM
Far Far Away
Perhaps you do not know, we have distanced. The days that were once before were no longer there. I've fallen, but you did not know it. My heart is like an empty shell, waiting for you to fill it in. Two years of absence may seems short, but it is long to me. I know that you would wait for me, but how long can you wait?
CNY is just round the corner, and other than listening to CNY's song, I wonder if I have the mood to celebrate. Anyway, school is finishing in 3 more days, with another 3 days of understanding test. Must really work hard to push my GPA up. Well, I wouldn't want any regrets after I leave RP.
Facebook is really such a open application. It makes me see things that I want, but at the same time, it makes me see things that I do not wish to see.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Saturday, January 23, 2010
4:34 PM
It's Over
Finally, after battling for about four months in the making, my FYP 2 is finally done! Today, my team and I presented what we've got and I can say that there's nothing else for me to regret.
Been busy for so long, couldn't update. Anyway, now I have to start considering about entering university. And wow, with my points, =(
A lot of things been pouring in my mind. Is there such thing as everlasting love? Can couples really overcome everything together? Is really looking for someone whom you can lasts with so difficult to find? I certainly hope I can lasts, but well, time will tell.
Things are really looking bad for campcraft competition. So much of preparation work has been done and it seems like participants are not looking forwards to it. This is the one last chance, to do everything right, at least for once.
There are alot of things left for me to do, but so little time before NS. Can anyone truly understand my pain? I wonder~
With sorrowness,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Thursday, January 7, 2010
10:07 PM
New Year. New Resolution. New Life
It has been 7 days since the opening of the year 2010, and I'm always busy with Final Year Project. Rarely have some spare time for myself. But if my team members are willing to sacrifice their time, I'm sure that what I'm doing now will be worth it.
New Resolution.
There are a couple of items which I would like to purchase. Considering it as my new year resolution.
1. Crumpler Sling Bag
2. Nokia 5800 New Battery
3. Bluetooth Headset
4. Hewlett Packard Laptop Dv3000
5. Ring
6. DSLR camera (sister ask me share with her and buy)
7. New Backpack
8. PSP??? (Bought it before and sold it. Dunno buying with Melvin or not.)
9. Adidas Jacket
10. Adidas Shoes
11. New Jeans
13. Watch
These are the 13 items that I hope to purchase within the year 2010. Jia You Alvin!!!!
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Sunday, January 3, 2010
11:31 PM
Sad Feeling Lingers
Actually to tell the truth, I've never been this sad before. All the things just seems not right. Firstly, it's about school re-opening. Though I hate school reopening, I can just wish that I will need to study 4 days per week X 5 weeks, reserving the last week for the major understanding test.
Secondly, it's because of work. A few valued staff left us. Just like Yi Han, Hong Zheng, Gladys, Chung Si and last but not least Ching Han. Although the time that I've actually interacted with them are like about 3-4 months, they are the group of promising staff. Having been at the restaurant for 1 year and 8 months, saw many batches of staff joins and leaves. I understand that this is part and parcel of life, but it's like a friendship made and yet broken/lost. Me and my colleague Faizal was sitting down and discussing about the matter. This really affects the both of us, and I believe for my colleague,Siti too.
Thirdly, its not being able to see Ching Han. The feeling of being separated may just be too much for me to take it.(by past experience) Sometimes I really wonder, does heaven have to make fun of me?
I guess for now, I should just concentrate with my final year project which is due on 18 Jan. After that, study well for all my understanding test. I promise I will not flunk like last time. After the 5 weeks of school, I think I might just stuck at the stuck-up place to work(which I do not want to, but there's just too much memories stored inside the restaurant. I think even 1 Terrabyte of hard disk will not be able to contain all the memories that I have.) Hopefully I'll feel better when I post the next entry.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Saturday, December 19, 2009
2:49 AM
After a long long break, I'm back to post. Also, I promised baby that I will update my blog.
This Tuesday, went to catch 风云II with baby. The movie really had a bad ending.
Today, I am working for lunch and dinner.
Lunch: Worked runner with baby. Although tiring, it was fun and I passed through it like a breeze, because I have her.
Dinner: Worked host, station and runner. Although tiring, it was not fun, because I did not have her.
Guess that today's workload is nothing as compared to what's going to happen on Christmas.
Today after work, went to JP to have my lunch with baby, Siti, Yi Han, Gladys and Kai Ting. Saw Rahim at Boon Lay MRT station. He's in SCDF now. Wow. Time flies. Could remember the times when we were doing D&T in the same workshop and now he's a NSman in SCDF uniform while me, in Sakura uniform. Felt abit useless. But the most important thing is, he can count down to his 2 years of service, while I got absolutely nothing to count, cos I have not even started NS. Sian. After eating, we went to Popular. Not me buying books, but baby and Gladys. =)
Today after work, I immediately received SMS from my Sec 4 N/A cadets, saying that they have made it to Sec 5. Congratulations to those who have made it through, for those who never, don't feel down either. You are just taking another route to reach the same destination. My advise, never give up. Persist till the very end. Anyway, just remembered that I will ahve to draft up my Campcraft Competition training proposal soon. This time round, my unit MUST win.
Tomorrow, well actually it's later, I will be attending the Senior Cadet Inspector Promotion Ceremony, in conjunction with the newly graduated Cadet Inspector. Wonder what will the atmosphere be like. Will be back for more updates.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Thursday, November 26, 2009
1:25 PM
I don't know how long I want this 'LOST' feeling to drag on. As far as possible, I do not wish to experience that again and again. I hope that this sickly feeling will be away from me soon. As for now, I can't help but to feel this way for now.
As the sun sinks into the horizon; my world slips into darkness.
As the dim moonlight illuminates my path; I embark on this melancholic walk of life ruminating into the future.
Blinded to what the future holds; everything else seems behind the blinds.
As one blind leads another blind; I can only be lead through this dark walk of my life.
My tears are slipping down my cheeks; my life is torn as I take this slip.
No one can save me from this fall; I can only pick myself up yet again.
Can I just remain fallen?
Disgusted by the management at the workplace. Dumb managment who knows nuts and like to order people to do this and that, brainless bums. If i were years older holding their job, I would have been their boss already for god sake. Don't come and tell me that you do not know how to manage after three years of managing, or is it simply you are just plain, S,T,U,P,I,D.
I hope that this Friday, before I attend my camp, someone will actually make me happy. Hopefully she will read this post.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
12:46 PM
I'm actually feeling rather sad now. After all that I've done, I do not see the result of what I sow. It has always been a one sided kind of thing. I really don't know what else I can do. I can sense it. I'm trying my utmost best here,but it seems like nothing can ever come out from it. If fate allows it to be like this, then I can't say anything but I'll accept it. I hope things don't turn out the way I do not want it to be.
Yesterday received Esther's sms. She asked me if I can help her train her campcraft competition and fancy drill people. Sorry Esther, cannot give you a confirmed answer yet.
Shall stop on my post here. Will update here soon.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Friday, September 18, 2009
11:19 PM
Today, my senior NCOs gave me a surprise!! They gave me this slice of cake, and a card!!! That's so sweet of them. Haha.

Anyway, today NPCC training went on as usual. Gave them test and test. But then again, did not feel happy at times.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
12:14 PM
Bright Sunny Wednesday Morning!
Today, when I woke up, I realised that I was 1 hour 34 minutes to my test. Luckily, a kind friend of mine ask her friend to represent me to go to museum trip, so that my points would not be deducted. *thank you friend*
Anyway, I went to Bukit Batok Driving Centre today. Wow, realised that I was one of the last few as the class were filled with a lot of people already. As I passed my IC to the invigilator, the invigilator passed me a slip of paper to indicate where I sit. During the briefing, I was not listening. Haha! Was just praying hard that I would passed. Just then, I noticed a friend of mine came in! Rachel!
As I do the test, the test was pretty ok, except a few stupid tricky questions with stupid answers. After I did all the questions, I check and checked and checked and I submitted. In the end, the screen shows, "PASSED". Cool! Then I went to the outside and wanted to print out my result, but apparently the machine is stupid enough not to let me print. I complained, and they told me, 'You don't need to print one. Like that can already.' I was like, -_-. Then had a short chat with Rachel outside the classroom, exchanged contact number and she went off first.
I'm so happy today! But will I be the same when I come to work later? I wonder, I wonder.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Finally!! I've got time to update my blog. Sorry to those readers that have been waiting for my post. ^^
A number of things happened throughout these past few months. Firstly, I've finished studying Year 3 Semester 1!!! It's going to be a long break for me. Anyway, got to start working on Final Year Project 2.
Recently, there has been an issue which has being weighing on my heart. Shall not say over here. I will be busy for the next one month. To work as much as I can before a final showdown on December.
Anyway, had steamboat for dinner just now with Joanne, Eileen and Guan Wen. We were eating like there's no tomorrow. HAHA!
That's my update for now. Stay tuned for more updates! See ya around everybody!!!
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Friday, May 22, 2009
1:13 PM
Today did not go to school. Went to see a doctor. Below is an interesting conversation between a patient and doctor.
Me: *knock knock* ~open the door~
Doctor: Hi Alvin
Me: Hi Doctor
Doctor: What's wrong with you Alvin?
Me: Oh, I'm having flu, sore throat, headache and cough.
Doctor: Did you travel overseas for the past 14 days?
Me: Nope. I don't have so much money.
Doctor: *laugh laugh* Let me take your temperature.
Me: Okay
Doctor: Your temperature is 36.9 degrees
Me: Okay
Doctor: Remember to eat more Vitamin C products to boost your immunity system.
Me: Okay
Doctor: Since you everything also okay, so okay already.
Me: Wait a minute
Doctor: Yes?
Me: I need an MC
Doctor: Oh, you got school today isit?
Me: Yea, but I never attend class.
Doctor: So you are studying at which secondary school?
Me: Republic Polytechnic
Doctor: Oh! Sorry
Me: Nahs, its ok.
Doctor: So is it just for one day?
Me: No. Two days. Because I got work tomorrow.
Doctor: Oh, you work as what?
Me: Waiter / Server
Doctor: Make sure you do not spread to customers. *laugh laugh*
Me: *laugh laugh* siao
Doctor: Okay, you may collect your medicine at the counter.
Me: Thanks doctor.
Didn't know that I look so young! *giggles*
Anyway, although I did not go to school. I still keep track of what the lesson is all about. And when I saw my teammates, I could not utter a word.
Daryll???!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!
Shall end my post now. Going to take my lunch. If I carry on blogging, I will have no appetite due to no eyebrow guy.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
1:59 AM
Looks like that there is something stirring in the unit. But shall not be bothered with that till I'm free.
Recently, was busy with Final Year Project and lots of stuffs. Was sick for two days so never go school.
Recently, I've established a group named "Dragontooth" with my last semester classmates. Could really feel that we are bonded together closely. So therefore we shall name as Dragontooth. Lollipop for Eileen also can. Haha!
Later going to meet up my friend to help me in FYP. Haha. Nites Alvin
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Thursday, May 7, 2009
3:58 PM
What a Day!
Woke up at 4am+ today. Bath and went to the unit. Today was NPCC Day. However, I am so disappointed with the turnout. Things not done, bla bla bla. Thought that the NCOs would know what to do. But in the end, HAIZ!
After that, went to school. Had a boring day. It is so boring that I am thinking about NPCC training after the secondary schools exams. What will I do. Since I'm being made so angry, there ought to be something that I will do.
Anyway, yesterday went back to school to do FYP. Met Lu Lei(one of my buddy in last semester). We chatted while I'm doing FYP. After that, he asked me a very funny question.
That's all for now.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
3:04 PM
It has been a long time since I've update my blog.
I have been busy for the past week. No time to blog, till now. I have not got used to the school for my 3rd year yet. I am forever changing class everyday. Sigh~~~
Today a Bangala taught me. I enjoyed his lesson. I've learnt about IT Project Management. Cool module. Hope that I can score for this module. I would just need to study for another 14+16 weeks, WOOHOO! I'm GRADUATING..
Recently rarely have time for NPCC. But still, passion is over there. =)
Today is the second time I really sat down and eat, with Eileen, Grace, Joanne and Eileen's friend. Ever since year 3 started, I never really go down to any of the food courts to eat. I either find that the food just spoils my appetite or no one to eat with me. Aww, so pitiful Alvin. HAHA! No la, its just that thanks to the "wise" plan that RP has come up with. Rarely got a chance to meet up with my friends to eat.
FYP is about to start. I'm gonna finish it soon so that a big load can be off me. After that, another semester before I go into NS.
Haiz...NAPFA Test. OMG! There is a series of criteria I have to fulfill to minus my number of months in NS.
2.4km Run - <10mins
Standing Broad Jump - >200cm
Sit and Reach - >45cm
Shuttle Run - >10 seconds
Pull Up - >5
Sit Up - 60 in a minute
Sigh, with so many things at hand, got to break it down one by one.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Sunday, April 19, 2009
3:44 AM
Life can be so unfulfilling at times. A lot of friends have been asking me, why I never help out in annual parade. My answer to this question will be, there's not where my life is going to be. It's true that I'm a CI now. But a few years down the road, I will just be a normal person, walking down the streets. A couple of decades later, I will be sitting at my rocking chair waiting for death. It's just that how fulfilling and colourful you can make your life to be.
As a CI, I've never regretted becoming one. My aim is to achieve as much as possible for the unit before I depart from the unit quietly. I will not live my life as if I will be stuck at HTA forever. To experience the parade over there, I will just let the cadets to experience as they are still learning and they will be teaching their juniors. Prior to this, Friday was a POP. I'm in no mood to go anywhere.
What I can do now is to build up a strong team of instructors together with the help of the officers. When this happens, I can leave the unit without worries. Provided I have the instructors and also the chance to do so.
I've already thought where I want to be. To be with who at to be at where. Feelings just keep pouring in to me. It's about time that is too much for me to take it. Anyway, promised someone to sleep early. In the end, I'm sleeping so early.LOL.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Saturday, April 18, 2009
2:18 PM
The day that I've not wanting to wait for finally arrives. That's yesterday. Ever since I was a cadet, I've witness 7 Passing Out Parades, but none of which was as emotional as this year's. Don't know why, seems so sad. Started the day off with POP preparation and NPCC Day training reheasal. Sorry Valerie for taking up the whole courtyard. Didn't pas you back the courtyard at 5pm as promised. As I see the Sec 4/5s coming out to take the certificate as they have graduated, I just felt so sad so sad, but no one knows. As I do not want anybody to know.
After that, they went on to watch videos created by Sec 3s as well as the graduating NCOs, but I didn't managed to have the luck of watching. Have to be down at BBQ pit setting fire. Set for a long time, was getting frustrated. But never mind.
After all of them came down, the food was still not ready. What a day. After the heat is hot enough, I bbq-ed otah all the way, in full-u. After that, Sir told me to change, but I just don't feel right asking an officer to BBQ down there while cadets are just sitting down.
Got the NPCC Room key from one of them, went to NP room to change. Don't know why, just teared on the way.
After that, bla bla bla, some activities going on, then pack up and dismissed. Talked to the Sec 4/5s at this time. After that, at the blk opposite school, I've passed them a piece of codes. Hopefully they are able to decode it and stick closely to the "advice" on the paper.
When will I passed out??
Just feeling sad for now.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
2:04 AM
After going through carefully, I still got many projects at hand.
POP - proposal still got lots of problems.
NPCC Day - seems okay.
ATC Games - just finished(phew)
NYAA - seems okay.
NYAA(cadets) - far from finish.
Combined UG Camp - no news yet.
NDP - have not plan.
FYP - on the way.
Anyway, someone apparently trys to make a statement. A statement that means NOTHING. Like I've always say, whatever you push to me, I'm still here STANDING TALL RIGHT BEFORE YOU! I've NEVER BACK DOWN and I've NEVER QUIT. You want a piece of me, COME GET IT!!
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
8:21 PM
Movie Time!!
Today, I happen to walk past Golden Village at Jurong Point. So I watched this movie.

Movie Plot: When New Orleans Police Detective Danny Fisher stops a brilliant thief from getting away with a multi-million-dollar heist, the thief's girlfriend is accidentally killed. After escaping from prison, the criminal mastermind enacts his revenge, taunting the cop with a series of near-impossible puzzles and tasks - 12 rounds - Fisher must somehow complete to save the life of his own fiancee.
This movie is rather nice as it really shows how far a man would go to save the woman he loves.
Today, I got the ticket, and the ticket was
M16!!!! Love M16. Reminds me of rifle drills!
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
It has been a tiring week for me. Having to rush and complete many things before dateline. But anyway, making it official that I am a proud owner of Nokia 5800! But to me, its just another phone. Haha. Sleepy now. Will update more next time. Had a great dinner with a glass of milk and fishes! =D
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Friday, March 20, 2009
7:11 PM
My Year 3
Haiz.. This is how my pathetic year 3 goes. The names that are highlighted in yellow are the people whom I knew in school...
Day 1 - Marketing E56K
72143 - ALVIN CHUA SHENG LAI (Me la!)
74137 - CHAN JING-YU
71206 - CHIN KWEE YONG (Year 2 Sem 1)
73195 - KOH KAI QI
72109 - LEE CHEA YIK
70389 - LOKE YI MEI
73604 - NG SIOK MEI
62539 - ONG SU HANG
70637 - POH MAY JUN
73668 - TAN LEE MING(Year 1 Sem 1)
72261 - TAN QI YANG
72297 - TAN SHI YING
71019 - TAY EE SIANG ROY (Secondary Sch fren)
74101 - TAY MEI JUN
Day 2 - IT Project Management W67E
72335 FOO TIANG SIAN (Year 2 Sem 1)
73667 HO YIJIE (Whole of Year 1)
71428 LIM JIA QI
71123 NG GEK TING (Year 1 Sem 1)
73603 TAN EILEEN (Year 2 Sem 2)
72040 THENG MEI YI (Year 1 Sem 2)
73861 WANG LI
70385 YAP CHENG XUN (Year 2 Sem 1)
Day 3 - Business Process Modelling W67B
72296 CHEN YING YING EILEEN (Year 2 Sem 1)
73759 CI HUI
72293 NUR ATIQAH BTE RASUL (Year 2 Sem 2)
70512 PHANG KOK ANN (Year 2 Sem 1)
63151 WANG MEIYU (Year 2 Sem 2)
Day 4 - Human Resource Information System W66N
73667 HO YIJIE (Whole of Year 1)
73950 XU FANG
70323 XU LI WEI
Haiz, how I hope I can graduate earlier! Or just stay at Pioneer! Argh!
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Thursday, March 19, 2009
9:50 PM
Great Day!!!
Today had a whole day spend for PK/HFS Course. Met Jesline and Jason at Pioneer MRT station. Went all the way to Yusoff Ishark Sec Sch. Did crowd control duty for morning. Managed to talk more nonsense stuffs. Had a great laugh. Afternoon did crowd control duty too, but this time round at the canteen cafeteria. Managed 700+ cadets at 1 shot. Phew~
After that, went ahead with the test and bla bla bla. After dismissal, told my sec 3s not to wait for me, but they insisted on waiting. (*so swit of u'all*) After that, told them to go back first. Once I'm done I will call them and meet them. However, Shazlin ah, told me that they on train already. Haissshhh~~~ When I went out with the group of Area 17 CIs, I'm so shocked because my sec 3s were just outside the sch waiting for me. Haha!
After that, took bus to Bukit Batok interchange and then took train to Boon Lay. Took bus 243W all the way to Gek Poh. They told me its GP, and I thought its JP. Haiz! Went to Mac and eat. Got Fatin, Priya, Zilah, Erizza, Wani and Asyraf. Haha! Had a great time well-spent with them, although the whole meal session was laughters all over. Even know something about my squad wor! Lol!
Anyway, time has passed so fast. With a blink of an eye, my Sec 3s are going to take over the unit soon. I'm so happy that their attendance is 20+ and I hope it will remain forever. I've built up this squad into a reflection of what I used to see my squad is, when I'm the in-charge. The feeling is undescribable. Six projects at hand now. NYAA, POP, NPCC Day, Sec 1 Combined UG Camp, National Day Parade, Final Year Project. I have done and accomplish all these once and I believe I will be able to do it again.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
9:14 PM
Sad Sad Feeling
Haiz. Wondering why am I having such feelings for the past few days. As much as I recall, I worked with three batches of NCOs. 2007, 2008 and 2009. As far as memories serves me right, the current batch of NCOs were the most wonderful batch from what I've experienced. Wonder what's really going to happen if they were to pass out from the corp.
After which will be my Sec 3s to step up as the Cadet Leaders of the unit. But with the blink of an eye, the same old thing is going to happen again, they are going to pass out from the corp too. I don't know why but the idea just makes me feel kinda, erm.. sad.. But feeling rather down for the past few days. Wasn't like this before. But after the NCO camp that just ended, the feeling is there.
Four years down the road might not be an easy one. But I believe that I will set out to where I want to be. I'm going to think of ways that will allows my cadets to achieve the NYAA badge. Jia yo Jia yo Jia yo!!!
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Sunday, March 15, 2009
11:44 PM
NCO Camp is over
Finally, the NCO Camp is over. Had quite a few unhappy moments, but will not list them out here.
After looking at my Sec 3s, I think back of how my squad used to be, the ones who have attended the NCO Camp.
My squad
8)Wan Xin
9)Yong Han
12)Wen Kiong
Time has passed so soon. 2005 I've stepped up as NCO. 2009 is the time my squad step up as NCO. I wish every single one of them all the best in their NCO-ship and never give up when they encountered any problems.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Saturday, March 14, 2009
11:36 AM
NCO Camp 2009
Finally, I see that my current batch of Sec 3s are being trained to be cadet leaders. For the first day of the camp, I can say that the camp runs rather successfully as we are on time with the proposed schedule and timing. The first day was run by Firashah, Afiqah, Shati, Hidayah and me. All ends well.
Second day. Second day was hell. Didn't manage to wake up on time. But never mind, had a good sleep afterall.(like real only) The MOI Campcraft was a big headache. The sequence were all wrong. Sigh~~ But never mind, they do learn something after all.
I'm soon going to have my lunch. Later will be doing MOI drills. Hopefully that they can score. Firashah, check my lunch now ^^. Will be back to post later. . . =)
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Thursday, March 12, 2009
10:31 PM
Thought that I would leave the tragedy, the curse stucks again! Friday e 13th!
Tmr I am going to work 8am-12pm at Sakura. Knowing what?
Knowing that I have to face a 2000 pax of customers at the swimming pool area!!!!!
OMG. I think my bones' gonna split wide apart.
Wonder what will my day be?
Tmr too. Got Camp. Wonder what will the outcome be?
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
It's Game Time
After so long so long, the epic battle of the year begins.
The situation now left me in a very disadvantage position. It's a handicap stipulation.
Even if my beliefs made me the last on standing, I will never back down, never quit.
Each time I'm down, I'm never alone.
I will drag one of you down with me!
After I'm down, I will rise up once again, and reclaim back what is mine.
~A roleplay of An Enemy Of The People~
I read this poem from a website. I truly pity the character inside.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Monday, March 2, 2009
7:31 PM
OMG! Fatigueness!!!
Haiz, finally finish my attachment at Jurong East Food and Science Fair. Worked very hard with my colleague(Wen Yao) from my outlet. The whole day we just stayed there and talked nonsense, and also, to check for the stamp on the hand, just like entry for Downtown East chalet. :) Anyway, met a few no-brain people who do things unorganized and also messy. Me and Wen Yao were feeling very pathetic, having to work with this kind of people. Not to say about stereotyping, but these people were simply brainless. Thinking that having been in NPCC for too long, I shouted at one junior staff for doing stupid things at the stupid time, plus also talking so rudely tome and customer.
Yesterday, saw Grace and her family members plus auntie came to the food fair. Haha, hope she enjoy her stay inside. Chatted with her auntie for a short while. Also, I almost died of fatigueness!! Worked from 10am-12am. 14 hours of work??!! At last, my attachment is finished.
My schedule for this week
020309 - Rest (For me to get some rest)
030309 - Work (10am to 10pm - Clementi)
040309 - Work (10am to 10pm - Clementi)
050309 - Work (11am to 3pm - Sakura JW)
060309 - NPCC (Going where I want to go. Wee~)
070309 - HRC (Going if the Sec 4/5 ask me to go. Wahaha!)
080309 - Work (11am to 3pm - Sakura JW)
Schedule is rather packed. Also, I'm finishing "project" soon. Have to rush abit. :(
Guess that's all that I can update. Haha~! =D
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Saturday, February 21, 2009
11:11 PM
Today, I was down to see the whole test for the first class drill test. May be taking up the role as the tester for the next batch of first class drill nominees.
Today, had a "wonderful" chat with Afiqah and Firashah. They ah, talk until ASP all come out. They had this deal with me. And this deal will be till the year 2019. If they do still remember. If you are looking at this post, remember ah, proposal!! LOL!
But then again, its very saddening to see every batch of people that once I get to know them better and to work with, they passed out. Haha, never mind.
Going to start the NYAA scheme soon. Look out for the good news.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
1:24 AM
Happy Day For Me!!!
Yo Hooo! I'm back! I'm here to update my blog.
Today, was sleeping like a log. Woke up at 12 plus. Eat light lunch.
After that, bring Mummy go out walk walk at JP. In order to be more health-conscious, I adviced her to walk to Jurong Point from my house. Erm, that was about, 5 bus stops? LOL! So we just walk. Chatted alot alot. Haha.
After that, upon reaching Jurong Point, Mummy went to pay the bills while I just wait. After that, had abit of tiff because I bought the wrong magazine that she wanted. Haiz. But, managed to pacify her by bringing her to Long John to eat. What a good boy I am. *proud proud* Then, went to meet Siti and Jufri who happen to be just beside me, Burger King. Talk for a while, 3 of us went to search for shoes. Basically, I drag them along. Haha.
Siti bought a pair of slippers and I bought a pair of shoes.

Nice right? Haha! This pair of Adidas shoes cost me about 100 bucks.
After that, went to Starbucks to have a Oreo Cheesecake with a cup of Chocolate Cream Chip. Shiok...
So happy for today!!!!
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Saturday, February 7, 2009
12:44 AM
Update of an Angry Day!!!
It has been so long since I've update my blog. Haha! Now its the time.
Today went down to unit. Saw Rizal. Haha. Then went to see my Sec 3s and 4s. Was rather happy when I see them. Told the Logistic to do some work, but seems like nothing is getting right. Never mind, just wait till next Friday.
Then saw someone wearing the NCO T. Was rather disturbed by someone for portraying a negative image that might affect my Sec 4s and 5s. Pissed!
Was clearing most of the files in the admin cupboard. Woah, *sweat sweat*, just finished. Now its time to implement the whole system. Hope to set everything right before I depart off.
Today after dismissal, I did something which I do not want to do at all, but this sometwo just somehow pissed me off. Shouted at sometwo. Heard that some NCOs got shocked by me shouting. Apologies for that. Haha!
Then after that chatted with Afiqah and Shati. It just seems like time flashes back when I worked with Rohani and Viknesh in unit.
At work
Was rather upsetting. My shifts are getting lesser and lesser, how am I going to save up and also buy a new phone? I wonder, I wonder.
With friends
It has been a long time since I saw my classmates. Most busy working and slacking around. So now got closer with my colleagues. Sometimes nothing to do just talk all day long.
I don't know if I have actually fell for someone whom I shouldn't have fell for. But well, nothing move on from there.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Friday, January 23, 2009
9:19 PM
What a Friday
Today, my class created history for the whole of Yr 2 Sem 2!
Only 7 people turned up for the class! (Grace, Zafirah, Iqah, Willie, Elijah, Jean)
Wait a min, who's the 7th one? (Of cos me la, I'm such a gd boi *insert gd boi's face*)
Our facilitator told us that we will be finishing class about 12pm, then I was like, REALLY!!!! That's GREAT!. Then took bus home after class. It just leaves me sad memories whenever it is coming to the end of the semester, because of all the friendships that have been bonded and knitted so closely, but in the end, you just have to be separated. HAIZ!
Took bus 187 back with Grace today. Received Guan Wen's message that he's coming to meet us in class. Luckily I stopped him just in time. If not, he'll be coming to an empty class! Heard that she's going on a cruise holiday. ~Bon Voyage Grace~
Went to unit this afternoon. Saw that the programme was in a mess. Got no mood to see further. Cadets saw me and failed to greet me. I really feel like scolding out loud, but never mind, CHILL ALVIN. Thought that after training cadets would come and talk to me, but never. Oh, NVM. Then my NCOs came and talked to me. HAHA, guess that that's the only time that I'm feeling like I'm not alone. Had a short chat with Fairuz, Hazirah and my godsis WAWA. But in the end, had to rush over bring Jufri to clinic, since he does not want hospital.
Because I was held up in unit, he went first. After which I met Evon and we talked with Jufri and Siti. Found out that workplace is no longer like as before. HAIZZZ! But never mind. As long as I can hit at least $3k before sch re-opens and able to buy a Nokia ExpressMusic 5800, I'll be happy enough.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Thursday, January 22, 2009
2:25 PM
MRT Train
Thousands of communters travel by MRT to work or to school.
Have you ever wondered how a MRT train is drawn?
Like this?
Or Like this?

These are drawn by my class 2nd artist, Grace.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Boring Wednesday...
Was looking forwards to make more money yesterday. Actually had plan to purchase my new clothes but seems like I have to work. Oh well, go and work then.
When I was having my lunch, I talked to my Dad about the recent issues I've heard and faced with the China woman. Talked to him to he almost cried. I guess he was wondering, OMG, my son really grew up. It has been a long time since we have chatted for so long at the kitchen.
Around 2 plus received call. Someone actually ask me whether can I let her replace me. Oh well, what can I say? Replace me then. Went out with Mum to Jurong Point. Walked a few rounds before setting my eyes on a pair of jeans. Ok, I bought it. It cost me $75.90. Still not that bad. Walked a few more rounds to see if there's any tops that I can purchase. But, the result is Jurong Point = 0 Ahh, was so frustrated. It's just round the corner and I've not buy anything. Think I can wear singlet already la. Haizzzz....
Then went to the wallet shop. Didn't saw anything that I wanted, but Mum saw a wallet and I think she like it very much. Therefore, I asked the salesgirl to take a new set of that wallet and wrap it up for Mum. Haha, so long since I bought things for her.
Later on, went to meet Jufri and Siti. Had dinner at Banquet. But the night doesn't seems so peaceful as the young couples quarrelled again. Seems like they are always quarreling every single day. Tried my best to help but well, couldn't step in that much.
After Jufri sent Siti home, Evon, Jufri and I had a chat. We were quite unhappy about our idiotic restaurant manager. Guess he's not really thinking what he's doing. Someday somehow gotta make him feel for the stupid decisions that he has made.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Thursday, January 1, 2009
7:06 PM
End of 2008, start of 2009
Time flies fast, its time to say goodbye to 2008 and welcome 2009. Actually, I am not really ready to let go off 2008. In the year 2008, everything comes and go smoothly according to my wishes.
Yesterday, went with Janet, Evon and Andy to Boon Lay Place for countdown. Don't know why but I've just seems to lost all my mood for any countdown. Anyway, I've lost my mood because I know that my management trainee will be leaving soon.
Today came the new management trainee. I've talked to him but it doesn't seems very much that he wants to talk to anybody. So okay, I shut up..
Was quite pleased that I managed to hit 170 hours of work for the month of Dec. Good Good. Plus the sales of my PSP, should be able to hit sky high.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Friday, December 26, 2008
12:13 AM
周杰伦 - 说好的.幸福呢
你的绘画凌乱着 在这个时刻
我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了
情绪莫名的拉扯 我还爱你呢
伴你断断续续唱着歌 假裝没事了
时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
一开始都不快乐 你用卡片手写着
有些爱只给到这 真的痛了
怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心一一细数着 你再不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得
你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢
怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了 我都还记得
你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢
I felt very sad upon hearing this song. But well, the lyrics made alot of sense to me. Strive on Alvin!!!
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Friday, December 12, 2008
10:17 AM
My RP life
For once I did not know what to update, but I know I have to update something. In RP, after every sixteen weeks which is one academic semester, we get to change class and meets new people. The idea of this is to simulate working world, where you get to meet new people. But I think its bullshit. If they want us to have more friends in our contacts at MSN, friendster, I can accept that.
The disadvantage about this system is that we takes time to really get to know one person. Just when we are about to know that person, OH NO, the semester changes again. Below are my list of classmates that I have for two academic year, four academic semester, sixty-four academic weeks.
1) Yi Jie
2) Lee Ming
3) Cavan
4) Denver
5) Meryl
6) Soh Yin
7) Kristen
8) Si Jie
9) Shaheed
10) Vasenth
11) Vanessa
12) Xuan Wen
13) Joyce
14) Nurul
15) Max
16) Josephine
17) Arvin
18) Sulhede
19) David
20) Kevin
21) Yvonne
22) Jeevi
23) -----
24) -----
25) -----
1) Tiffany
2) Reuel
3) Rochelle
4) Mei Ting
5) Leonard
6) Darren
7) Alexander
8) Mei Yi
9) Insyirah
10) Shahidah
11) Peigen
12) Leon
13) Alicia
14) Shereen
15) Sue Yee
16) Timothy
17) Gerry
18) Azely
19) Corene
20) -----
21) -----
22) -----
23) -----
24) -----
25) -----
1) Venessa
2) Pei Ling
3) Yat
4) Rozianna
5) Ameera
6) Afiqah
7) Hakim
8) Kar Mun
9) Preet
10) Cheng Xun
11) Kok Ann
12) Jun Shun
13) Xavier
14) Chun How
15) Siew Hui
16) Belinda
17) Tiang Sian
18) Norman
19) Faezah
20) Aderlene
21) Eileen
22) -----
23) -----
24) -----
25) -----
1) Grace
2) Joanne
3) Eileen
4) Chuan Chern
5) Eugene
6) Xiao Xiang
7) Celest
8) Lu Lei
9) Guan Wen
10) Mei Yu
11) Elijah
12) Jean
13) Zafirah
14) Aisyah
15) Atiqah
16) Yi Ru
17) Siow Yan
18) Alvin
19) Yu Xian
20) Lewis
21) Wayne
22) Jannah
23) Willie
24) -----
25) -----
Some of the people I have forgotten, that is why ----- is for.
But in any case, sorry to CC for making his ketchup fall over that girl. Really had not been myself for the past few days. Haiz... Been very sick and tired recently.
Another post will be updated soon. Stay tuned.
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Monday, December 8, 2008
2:47 AM
Many of us have heard of the term thank goodness its friday. But think again, how can a friday really be that good? Let me share with you.
The class begins with doing system analysis and design. As a matter of fact, the lesson was nothing about designing system but doing some activities. Phew, after struggling for like almost the whole day, the testing of the action to log in was done. For today, I never really learn any new things, only got Jean's email add. And its the first time teaming with her. And Joanne and Grace were grinning all day long. HAHA!
After that was the UT. The UT was about php codings! OMG! I was like having only a code in my mind. $_alvinresult = "F". Haiz.. But just when I was having a glimpse of hope doing UT, someone came in and spoilt my mood. Her look just makes me wan to stare at her and be not happy with her. And also a him, Mr Bookie. After having no mood, I was counting down to the time left for UT, in preparation for counting down to new year. Aha!
After that, met Fiqa, Roz and Ameera at the Cafe at the library. While waiting for Roz, I saw the HER and another her together!!! She still can look so happy with the other one. I really feel like going up to her and tell her that because of her presence, she disturbed me. Grr!
Then never mind, forget about her. Then we were discussing about what project to take on when everybody arrived. We chose the relatively okay~ project, hope it will be ok. Then went to KFC a Causeway Point to eat, without Fiqa since she meeting her boyfriend. Roz, Ameera and I went there to eat and to my surprise, I saw Mr Bookie eating there. Wah, what have I done to deserve such a day??!! Seeing the face once is enough, second time is enough is enough, third time is a "want-to-tear-his-face-off" feeling. Haiz.
Saturday and Sunday been busy working.
To all my Muslims friends out there, Selamat Hari Raya Haji! ^^
With regards,
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*